Thursday, 31 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we excavated the carriageway from Pump Street to Elgar Statue, completed the grouting at Monsoon's and to all the BT Boxes, installed some of the bencehes and the Elgar plaque.

Tonight we plan to complete the installaiton of the benches and continue with the grouting. Resurfacing will be carried out approximatly 6pm - 10pm

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. He will be on site on a regular basis and will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday-Friday) so please ensure you visit regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carry out these improvement works to the High Street

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we installed and grouted in all bollard cases, installed the gully opposite Fish Street and carried out more grouting.

Tonight we plan to install benches, excavate block paving to the carriageway and continue with the grouting.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. He will be on site on a regular basis and will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday-Friday) so please ensure you visit regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carry out these improvement works to the High Street

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we installed the bollards at Elgar Statue, completed the grouting to the central area, moved the illuminated sign at Pump street and cut in the slabs.

Tonight we plan to install the gully oppisitr Pump Street, install benches and cycle stands and continue with the grouting.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. He will be on site on a regular basis and will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday-Friday) so please ensure you visit regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carry out these improvement works to the High Street

Monday, 28 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

We have now completed all the slab work throught adn finished installing the bollards to the western footway.

Tonight we plan to continue with the installation of the street furniture and the grouting.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. He will be on site on a regular basis and will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday-Friday) so please ensure you visit regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carry out these improvement works to the High Street

Friday, 25 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Tonight we plan to install bollards and lay slabbing to BT boxes.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. He will be on site on a regular basis and will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday-Friday) so please ensure you visit regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carry out these improvement works to the High Street


Thursday, 24 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Tonight we plan to complete the slabbing up to Elgar Statue, continue with the grouting and install bollards.


Our public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. He will be on site on a regular basis and will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively, we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email
We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday) so please ensure you visit regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on other road works throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed
We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carry out these improvement works to the High Street.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Our works planned for tonight, subject to weather, are to lay the remaining slabs ad kerbs, grout all remaining joints; plus start to install street furniture from Jack Wills to Fish Street.

Our Public Liaison Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. Terry will be on site on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively, we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other road works throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we laid slabing to the central area and comlpeted some kerbing by Elgar statue. we were unable to carry out any grouting due to the rain and barriers ahve been left in place to protect the new slabs.

Tonight we plan to complete the kerbing, lay Slabs to the Crown Plaza area, begine the installation of the bollards from Jack Wills to Fish Street. We also plan to grout where possible weather permitting.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. Terry will be onsite on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email
We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed
We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street

Monday, 21 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Over the weekend we laid the slabs upto the telephone box and cash point. The grouting was completed to the slabs on the cetral area upto Next, at the Crown Plaza and Fish Street.

Today we are planning to complete the slabs to the central area and continue with the grouting.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. Terry will be onsite on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email
We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed
We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street

Friday, 18 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we the slabs were laid upto Slater's and we completed the grouting upto Dorothy Perkins.

Tonight we will plan to lay the slabs up next and ramp, grout upto Slater's and remove the barriers for the weekend.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. Terry will be onsite on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we were grouting slabs throughout the site.

Tonight we will be continuing the grouting works.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. Terry will be onsite on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we continued with the kerbs to Crown Plaza and continued the slabbing to the central area.

Tonight we will be grouting the slabs throughout the site.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. Terry will be onsite on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we  laid the slabs to the central area and laid the radius kerbs to the Crown Plaza.

Tonight we will be contining with the kerbs to Crown Plaza,grout last night’s slabs and continue slabbing the central area.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. Terry will be onsite on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Due to the heavy rainfall, we were unable to complete any works on Saturday night. We were employed on site removing water from the carriageway to ensure against flooding of properties.

Tonight we will plan to lay the slabs to the central area in the vicinity of White Stuff and grout the footway at Crown Plaza.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. Terry will be onsite on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we laid the slabs to the central areas at Crown Plaza and Monsoon.

Tonight we will be grouting slabs to enable the removal of barriers and laying slabs to the central section.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. Terry will be onsite on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we completed the installation of the Gifas boxes and concrete surrounds, the radius kerbs by the Crown Plaza and the grouting to EWM.

Tonight we will be installing the kerbing upto the Elgar Statue and will be continuing grouting the slabs to Crown Plaza.

Our Public Liason Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin. Terry will be onsite on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other roadworks throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we will be excavating the the pits for the Gifas boxes and grouted the slabs from Next to H&M

Tonight we will be laying the kerbing to the top of High Street, laying slabs to the central area & grouting to EWM. The Gifas boxes will be intalled
Our Public Liaison Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin, Terry will be on site on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email
We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other road works throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed
We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night we lowered underground cables and raised all the tree pits up to the new levels.
Tonight we will be continuing excavating and laying kerbing and excavating for 2 electrical boxes to be installed.   

Our Public Liaison Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin, Terry will be on site on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other road works throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Tonight we will be excavating and lowering electric cables (working with Western Power) across the carriageway to allow the kerbs to be laid and manualy excavating for Gifas Electrical boxes to the central section.

Our Public Liaison Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin, Terry will be on site on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email
We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other road works throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed
We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night the central kerbing was laid upto Next and the slabs laid upto the Crown Plaza entrance.

Tonight we will be completing the slabs in the vicinity of Crown Plaza and EWM and setting the covers and frames to the ironworks.

Our Public Liaison Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin, Terry will be on site on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other road works throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Last night the kerbing was completed up to Fish Street and some pointing was carried out upto H&M.

Tonight we will be continuing with the kerbing and the laying of slabs.

Our Public Liaison Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin, Terry will be on site on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other road works throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

Due to the heavy rain last night, progress was slowed with the works on the High Street.

The works we are planning to carryout tonight, consist of slab laying in the vicinity of Next and H&M, plus laying kerbs on the central kerb line.

Our Public Liaison Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin, Terry will be on site on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other road works throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Worcester High Street Improvement Scheme - (Pump Street to Elgar Statue)

The works carried out last night on the High Street consisted of laying slabs from Next up to H&M, pointing a joint at the rear of the slabs next to All Saints Church and excavating trial holes for the central kerb line.

The works scheduled for tonight will consist of continued slab laying in the vicinity of H&M and Crown Plaza, plus start work on the central kerb line.

Our Public Liaison Officer for this scheme is Terry Godwin, Terry will be on site on a regular basis and he will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively we can be contacted on our Customer Care Line 01905 761176 or by email

We will continue to update this blog on a daily basis (Monday to Friday), so please ensure you visit this blog regularly for information on the progression of this scheme. Information on our other road works throughout the County of Worcestershire can be found on our Twitter feed

We appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we carryout these improvement works to the High Street.